Who’s hungry?
When i moved from Montreal to Brussels, i decided to go back to my roots and work in the restaurant business. I always tell people it was a great way to meet people and the language, but honestly, i’m just crazy about food!
Nothing makes me happier than spending time around a table with people i love with something delicious to eat and drink. Being a waitress allows me to share that with people every single day. I’ve made it a point to wisely choose the establishments i’ve worked at in the past years. And friends have come rely on my choice of employment as a good place to eat. It did'n’t take long for calls and messages to start coming in asking for restaurant advice.
This is where the blog begins. I decided to regroup and share all the ideas and recommendations i have with the world.
I don’t aim on shining the lime light only on the hip new places. I’m a sucker for a family owned business and long standing establishments. I hope with this blog to help people find that perfect place at the perfect time.
So? Who’s hungry? i know I am!