Car Free Sunday 22/09/2024
While their will be plenty of things to do for this year’s No Cars Day in Brussels, I wanted to share my very favorites. The count down has begun! Less than two days until Sunday September 22nd!
Place Sainte-Catherine has been my place to be every year for at least 12 years. It becomes like a big neighborhood party, where every one gets together and has a fun time.
Resto Henri
Every year, Resto Henri bring the essence of their restaurant out onto the side walk. A huge bar installation will be in front of the restaurant. They serve handmade sausages in baguettes and lovely wines and simple mixers. This year, they will also have a lady from Spain to hand cut Iberico ham.
Rue de Flandre 113, 1000 Bruxelles
La Foodina
La Foodina is a private caterer who also makes the best events. This year she’s making her famous Brodje Epic at Café Merlo
Quai aux Briques 80, 1000 Bruxelles
No Cars Day is never complete without a stroll down Rue de Flandre/Vlaamsesteenweg’s garage sale. This Brocante is my absolute favorite. Lots of eclectic items to find and fun to be had.
Rue de Flandre/Vlaamsesteenweg
This year, Kline will be preparing sweet pancakes for anyone with a sweet tooth.
Vlaamseseteenweg 162, 1000 Bruxelles
Roskam will be the perfect place to chill and maybe even to get those dancing shoes moving. This year, Roskam will be opening the windows and setting up a dj to put us all in the right vibe
Rue de Flandre 9, 1000 Bruxelles
Billie’s famous spaghetti will be exceptionally served non-stop on No Cars Day. A perfect place to rest and have a refreshing beer. They also have a iced coffee machine for the day.
Rue Sainte-Catherine 42, 1000 Bruxelles
Noordzee is open every Sunday, I know. But It’s worth mentioning! We all need that little oyster pitstop during the day.
Rue Sainte-Catherine 45, 1000 Bruxelles